On reflection there were a couple of things that should have made the blog.
Powering down the wide Avon after Tewksbury and watching he storm clouds, dark and menacing, heading from the west up and over the Vale of Evesham and wondering if they are going to drench us but then move just that little bit to the right and bypass us drenching some other unfortunates.
Sitting under a yew tree in Bidford church yard for half an hour in warm late summer sun.
Evening on the front of the boat watching the tourists in Stratford .
Talking to Australians, quite in evidence on this trip, about the English waterways.
Or the guy on Hire Boat Charlotte who was really keen to live on a boat and was going to sell everything to achieve this. All based on 1 weeks experience of hiring.
The New Zealand couple who are forever in summer; living on a boat during the UK summer and returning to Christchurch for the NZ summer during our winter.
The chap who had lived on a boat for 24 years.
Many people say they find canal holidays relaxing. I, personally, don’t find them particularly “relaxing”. Always planning the route, where we can get provisions, is the boat performing as it should, is it safe to moor where we are stopping tonight. Nevertheless I do find it rewarding. Even though the working boats and the traditional purpose of the canals is gone it is still a world within a world with its own floating population. We met many people who live permanently on board and many have done this for more than 10 years.
What I guess that people who say they find it relaxing are really finding is a very simple world separate from the complexity of modern life. There is nothing simpler than how a lock works, or being regulated to a slow speed and only being able to have a rough idea when you will get that and being generally governed by the speed of the waterways. This simplicity moves you down to more natural place. A more human pace and a more human scale.
As the waterways now find themselves as part of the Canal and River trust rather than the Waterways Board lets hope the Trust can find the funding to keep this world within a world alive to delight those that find it.