Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Trent and Mersey to Staffs and Worcs

Left Rugeley at 0700 in bright morning sunshine. This is a particularly nice stretch of canal through Shugborough Hall estate.
Colwich Lock Trent and Mersey

Colwich Lock Trent and Mersey

Shugborough Hall and  grounds
After a short stop in Great Hayward for provisions we turned off the Trent and Mersey onto the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal. The junction is framed by a great single arched bridge dating from when the canal was built.

Junction Bridge Staffs and Worcs canal
The canal passes through some glorious countryside in the valley of the river Sow which it crosses by a brick aquaduct. Then on through the attractive wharf at Tixal.
Tixal Wharf

Aqueduct over the river Sow

The canal skirts around Stafford before coming to the remote Deptmore Lock.
The old lady who used to live there had a little boat for going to get provisions and the well for water is across the lock in a little wood. She is now in a bungalow as she couldn't manage any longer and it has been bought by the farm whose land abuts it. I guess they are the ones doing the work as they have a son in his mid twenties so maybe it is for him.
 Moored up at Penkridge the ancestral land of the Copes at 1700.
170 locks and 213 miles since starting.

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