Monday, 17 September 2012

Bidford to Stratford upon Avon Friday 14th Sept.

Joanne begining to get the hang of the locks

On a narrow boat worse than rain is high wind. When a gust hits the side of the boat it can take you off course very quickly. It was high winds this morning. High winds made going very difficult and at one point thought I would have to tie up but fortunately they were not broadside to the boat so we were able to carry on. This section of the river Avon was only made navigable again in 1974 and it was done on a shoestring so all the locks are rudimentary in both their appearance and construction. However, all of the lock landings can be used for overnight mooring which is a big plus. All the locks on this section are also named after benefactors of the restoration.
 The Avon was great to navigate and unexpectedly quiet. On average we passed 3 other boats on the move a day.
Welford Road Bridge

At Welford on Avon pass under yet another ancient roadbridge about 500 years od. Today being pounded by 4X4s; Tractors, lorries, cars, etc and standing up well. The other ancient ridges are Eckington and Bidford.

Turning off the river Avon into Bancroft Gardens and the Stratford Canal with onlookers!
Turned into Stratford Canal off Avon at 1300 with crowds of onlookers thronging the entrance bridge to the canal. Moored in Bancroft gardens at 1430.
Had a walk around town and saw a a gold postbox!

Went to Shakespeare Memorial theatre to see what was on:The Tempest. Never "got" that at school so didnt ask if there were any tickets left.

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