Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Work Interupts

Work today I am afraid. So itstrain up to London in a while. Betjemans "Pershore Station" is apt
Pershore Station
"The train at Pershore station was waiting that Sunday night
Gas light on the platform, in my carriage electric light,
Gas light on frosty evergreens, electric on Empire wood,
The Victorian world and the present in a moment's neighbourhood."

The poem goes on to mention hearing the Pershore Abbey bells. Must be the poets imagination as the station is 1 1/2 miles away!
So its the 566 bus from Pershore town centre to station. Bus was a bit late but in time to make the connection with the train.
 On the bus was Beryl who was looking forward to her holiday in Blackpool at the end of the month.

Got back to boat just before 2100  (0900 pm)

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