180 miles and 148 locks since leaving Stourport we find ourselves in Burton at the IWA show.Bunting out to celebrate.
Looks like being a good show with lots to see and the weather forecast good. Here is a picture of two working boats, Kangaroo and Australia, loaded with about 25 tons each.Se how they are in the water up to the gunwales
As for yesterdays problems boat is now nearly completely dry. We have bought a couple of rugs to tide us over.(no pun intended)
I do have a picture of where we think the problem occurred.
The guy on the left opened the left hand gate paddle first the opening for which is near the top of the gate. We think water hit his boat and deflected into ours. As you will see we are well back.
Anyway we are off to enjoy the show. Next blog will be MONDAY.
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